კონსულტაციის მიღება
Training Center MUKКурсыAmazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Planning and Designing Databases on AWS
In this course, you will learn about the process of planning and designing both relational and nonrelational AWS databases. It will teach you how to use workload requirements to define database design considerations and also explore the features and capabilities of the eight AWS database services. By the end of the course, you will be able to determine which AWS database service is right for your workloads, and design the database to meet your requirements.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
3 დღე, 24 საათი
Migrating to AWS
Migrating to AWS focuses on planning and migrating existing workloads to the AWS Cloud. The course covers various cloud migration strategies with a detailed discussion on each phase of the migration process, including portfolio discovery, application migration planning and design, migration execution, and post-migration validation and application optimization. This course is designed for Solutions Architects and Engineers who perform cloud migrations, have an understanding of core AWS services and design patterns covered in Architecting on AWS. This course is also available to IT project managers involved in the planning of those migrations who have completed AWS Technical Essentials.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
2 დღე, 16 საათი
Practical Data Science with Amazon SageMaker
In this intermediate-level course, you will learn how to solve a real-world use case with Machine Learning (ML) and produce actionable results using Amazon SageMaker. This course walks through the stages of a typical data science process for Machine Learning from analyzing and visualizing a dataset to preparing the data, and feature engineering. Individuals will also learn practical aspects of model building, training, tuning, and deployment with Amazon SageMaker. Real life use case includes customer retention analysis to inform customer loyalty programs.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
1 დღე, 8 საათი
Running Container-Enabled Microservices on AWS
Running Container-Enabled Microservices on AWS is designed to teach you how to manage and scale container-enabled applications by using Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). This course highlights the challenges of running containerized applications at scale and provides guidance on creating and using Amazon ECS to develop and deploy containerized microservices-based applications. In the hands-on lab exercises you will use Amazon ECS to handle long-running services, build and deploy container images, link services together, and scale capacity to meet demand. You will also learn how to run container workers for asynchronous application processes.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
1 დღე, 8 საათი
Security Engineering on AWS
Learn how to use AWS security services to stay secure in the AWS Cloud. Enhance the security of your data and systems in the cloud with AWS-recommended security practices. In this course, you’ll explore the security features of AWS key services, including compute, storage, networking, and database services. You’ll also learn how to use AWS services and tools for automation, continuous monitoring and logging, and responding to security incidents.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
3 დღე, 24 საათი
AWS Security Essentials
AWS Security Essentials covers fundamental AWS cloud security concepts, including AWS access control, data encryption methods, and how network access to your AWS infrastructure can be secured. Based on the AWS Shared Security Model, you learn where you are responsible for implementing security in the AWS Cloud and what security-oriented services are available to you and why and how the security services can help meet the security needs of your organization.
This course enables you to dive deep, ask questions, work through solutions, and get feedback from AWS-accredited instructors with deep technical knowledge. This is a fundamental level course and is a part of the AWS Security learning path.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
1 დღე, 8 საათი
System Operations on AWS
This course is designed to teach those in a Systems Administrator or Development Operations (DevOps) role how to create automatable and repeatable deployments of networks and systems on the AWS Cloud. The course covers the specific AWS features and tools related to configuration and deployment, in addition to best practices for configuring and deploying systems.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
3 დღე, 24 საათი
The Machine Learning Pipeline on AWS
This course explores how to use the machine learning (ML) pipeline to solve a real business problem in a project-based learning environment. Students will learn about each phase of the pipeline from instructor presentations and demonstrations and then apply that knowledge to complete a project solving one of three business problems: fraud detection, recommendation engines, or flight delays. By the end of the course, students will have successfully built, trained, evaluated, tuned, and deployed an ML model using Amazon SageMaker that solves their selected business problem.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
4 დღე, 32 საათი

Amazon Web Services (AWS) ეს არის Cloud პლატფორმა, რომელიც სთავაზობს მომხმარებლებს სერვისების მრავალფეროვნებას.
კერძოდ, საუბარია გამოთვლით სიმძლავრეებზე, ინფორმაციის შენახვაზე, მონაცემთა ბაზებზე, კონტენტის მიწოდებაზე, აპლიკაციების შემუსავების ინსტრუმენტებზე და სხვა შესაძლებლობებზე.
AWS აბონენტებს სთავაზობს ვირტუალური სერვერის პლატფორმებს წინასწარ დაინსტალირებული ოპერაციული სისტემით, მონაცემთა შენახვის სისტემებს, ვირტუალურ მონაცემთა ბაზებს გამოყოფილ სერვერზე, DNS სერვერები Сloud-ში და მრავალი სხვა.
მთლიანობაში, პლატფორმის პორტფოლიო მოიცავს 200-ზე მეტ სხვადასხვა სერვისს.

MUK Training Center ატარებს AWS კურსებს თბილისში, საქართველოში.

Amazon Web Services – კურსები, რომლებიც საშუალებას აძლევს IT თანამშრომლებს გაეცნონ AWS სერვისებს სხვადასხვა სფეროში: AWS არქიტექტურა, აპლიკაციის შემუშავება, უსაფრთხოება და Big Data.

MUK Training Center, ამაზონის ავტორიზებული სასწავლო ცენტრია, გთავაზობთ შემდეგ კურსებს:
– AWS-BE AWS Business Essentials
– AWS-CPE AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials
– AWS-TE AWS Technical Essentials
– A-AWS Architecting on AWS
– AA-AWS Advanced Architecting on AWS

Amazon AWS – კურსები დაგეხმარებათ მიიღოთ პრაქტიკული გამოცდილება AWS პლატფორმასთან , გაეცნოთ მის სერვისებს და რეალურ გამოყენების შემთხვევებს.
პარტნიორებისთვის ხელმისაწვდომია Amazon Partner Network Acceleration EMEA პროგრამა.

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