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Training Center MUKКурсыAmazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS Business Essentials
In this course, you will learn the benefits of cloud computing and how a cloud strategy can help you meet your business objectives. It explores the advantages of cloud computing and the fundamentals of AWS, including financial benefits. This course also introduces compliance and security concepts to help you consider the AWS platform within your cloud computing strategy.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
1 დღე, 8 საათი
AWS Cloud Financial Management for Builders
This course is for individuals who seek an understanding of how to manage, optimize, and predict costs as you run workloads on AWS. You learn how to implement architectural best practices, explore cost optimization strategies, and design patterns to help you architect cost-efficient solutions on AWS.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
3 დღე, 24 საათი
AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials
This fundamental-level course is intended for individuals who seek an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud, independent of specific technical roles. You will learn about AWS cloud concepts, AWS services, security, architecture, pricing, and support to build your AWS Cloud knowledge. Throughout the day there are hands-on lab exercises to reinforce some of the core concepts of the class. It also helps you prepare for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
1 დღე, 8 საათი
AWS Technical Essentials
AWS Technical Essentials introduces you to AWS services, and common solutions. It provides you with fundamental knowledge to become more proficient in identifying AWS services. It helps you make informed decisions about IT solutions based on your business requirements and get started working on AWS.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
1 დღე, 8 საათი
Big Data on AWS
In this course, you’ll learn about cloud-based big data solutions like Amazon EMR, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Kinesis, and the rest of the AWS big data platform. Learn to use Amazon EMR to process data using the broad ecosystem of Hadoop tools like Hive and Hue, create big data environments, work with Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Redshift, Amazon QuickSight, Amazon Athena and Amazon Kinesis, and design big data environments for security and cost-effectiveness.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
3 დღე, 24 საათი
Building Data Lakes on AWS
In this course, you will learn how to build an operational data lake that supports analysis of both structured and unstructured data. You will learn the components and functionality of the services involved in creating a data lake. You will use AWS Lake Formation to build a data lake, AWS Glue to build a data catalog, and Amazon Athena to analyze data. The course lectures and labs further your learning with the exploration of several common data lake architectures.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
1 დღე, 8 საათი
Data Warehousing on AWS
Data Warehousing on AWS introduces you to concepts, strategies, and best practices for designing a cloud-based data warehousing solution using Amazon Redshift, the petabyte-scale data warehouse in AWS. This course demonstrates how to collect, store, and prepare data for the data warehouse by using AWS services such as Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EMR, Amazon Kinesis, and Amazon S3. Additionally, this course demonstrates how to use Amazon QuickSight to perform analysis on your data.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
3 დღე, 24 საათი
Deep Learning on AWS
In this course, you’ll learn about AWS’s deep learning solutions, including scenarios where deep learning makes sense and how deep learning works. You’ll learn how to run deep learning models on the cloud using Amazon SageMaker and the MXNet framework. You’ll also learn to deploy your deep learning models using services like AWS Lambda while designing intelligent systems on AWS.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
1 დღე, 8 საათი
Developing on AWS
Learn how to use the AWS Software Development Kit to develop secure and scalable cloud applications. You will be able to setup AWS SDK and developer
credentials for Java, C#/.NET, Python, and JavaScript. Explore how to interact with AWS services, and develop solutions by using the AWS SDK. Also learn about key concepts, best practices, and troubleshooting tips.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
3 დღე, 24 საათი
DevOps Engineering on AWS
DevOps Engineering on AWS teaches you how to use the combination of DevOps cultural philosophies, practices, and tools to increase your organization’s ability to develop, deliver, and maintain applications and services at high velocity on AWS. This course covers Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), infrastructure as code, microservices, monitoring and logging, and communication and collaboration. Hands-on labs give you experience building and deploying AWS CloudFormation templates and CI/CD pipelines that build and deploy applications on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), serverless applications, and container-based applications. Labs for multi-pipeline workflows and pipelines that deploy to multiple environments are also included.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
3 დღე, 24 საათი

Amazon Web Services (AWS) ეს არის Cloud პლატფორმა, რომელიც სთავაზობს მომხმარებლებს სერვისების მრავალფეროვნებას.
კერძოდ, საუბარია გამოთვლით სიმძლავრეებზე, ინფორმაციის შენახვაზე, მონაცემთა ბაზებზე, კონტენტის მიწოდებაზე, აპლიკაციების შემუსავების ინსტრუმენტებზე და სხვა შესაძლებლობებზე.
AWS აბონენტებს სთავაზობს ვირტუალური სერვერის პლატფორმებს წინასწარ დაინსტალირებული ოპერაციული სისტემით, მონაცემთა შენახვის სისტემებს, ვირტუალურ მონაცემთა ბაზებს გამოყოფილ სერვერზე, DNS სერვერები Сloud-ში და მრავალი სხვა.
მთლიანობაში, პლატფორმის პორტფოლიო მოიცავს 200-ზე მეტ სხვადასხვა სერვისს.

MUK Training Center ატარებს AWS კურსებს თბილისში, საქართველოში.

Amazon Web Services – კურსები, რომლებიც საშუალებას აძლევს IT თანამშრომლებს გაეცნონ AWS სერვისებს სხვადასხვა სფეროში: AWS არქიტექტურა, აპლიკაციის შემუშავება, უსაფრთხოება და Big Data.

MUK Training Center, ამაზონის ავტორიზებული სასწავლო ცენტრია, გთავაზობთ შემდეგ კურსებს:
– AWS-BE AWS Business Essentials
– AWS-CPE AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials
– AWS-TE AWS Technical Essentials
– A-AWS Architecting on AWS
– AA-AWS Advanced Architecting on AWS

Amazon AWS – კურსები დაგეხმარებათ მიიღოთ პრაქტიკული გამოცდილება AWS პლატფორმასთან , გაეცნოთ მის სერვისებს და რეალურ გამოყენების შემთხვევებს.
პარტნიორებისთვის ხელმისაწვდომია Amazon Partner Network Acceleration EMEA პროგრამა.

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