MetroCluster software is a unique high-availability and disaster-recovery solution. In this course, you learn how to cable and set up a MetroCluster environment. Using active, participatory exercises, you practice the configuration and verification steps. You also learn how to identify component failures and practice recovery steps.
Training units: 24
This course focuses on enabling you to do the following:
The following courses and/or knowledge and skills are recommended prior to taking this course.
MetroCluster Completion of ONTAP PS Professional Compliance Program or an equivalent program
MetroCluster in ONTAP Overview for Support Partners & MetroCluster Ecosystem Troubleshooting for Partners
Module 1: MetroCluster IP Overview
Lesson 1: Introduction to MetroCluster Software
Lesson 2: Introduction to MetroCluster IP Configuration
Lesson 3: MetroCluster IP Supported Configurations
Lesson 4: MetroCluster Configuration Tools and Documentation
Module 2: MetroCluster IP Rack and Cabling
Lesson 1: Risk and Disk Layout
Lesson 2: MetroCluster IP Cabling Overview
Lesson 3: Switch Cabling Overview
Lesson 4: Shelf Cabling
Module 3: Switch Configuration
Lesson 1: Switch Configuration
Lesson 2: Installing and Updating Switches
Module 4: Preparing the Clusters
Lesson 1: Node Preparation
Lesson 2: Local Disk Assignment
Lesson 3: Node and Cluster Setup
Module 5: MetroCluster Configuration
Lesson 1: Cluster Preparation
Lesson 2: Remote Disk Assignments
Lesson 3: MetroCluster Configuration
Lesson 4: MetroCluster Verification
Lesson 5: MetroCluster Monitoring
Lesson 6: SVM Configuration in a MetroCluster Environment
Module 6: Failure Scenarios
Lesson 1: Switchover
Lesson 2: Switchback
Lesson 3: Failure Scenarios
Lesson 4: LIF Placement
Module 7: MetroCluster TieBreaker Manager Configuration
Lesson 1: TieBreaker Introduction
Lesson 2: TieBreaker Installation
Lesson 3: TieBreaker Configuration