კონსულტაციის მიღება


Azure Administration for AWS SysOps
This two-day course is designed for AWS Sysops administrators interested in learning how Azure is different from AWS, and how Azure is administered. The workshops main topics are Azure Administration, Azure Networking, Azure Compute, Azure Storage, and Azure Governance. This workshop combines lecture with hands-on practical exercises and discussion/review. During the workshop students will build an end-to-end architecture that demonstrates the main features discussed in the course.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
2 დღე, 16 საათი
Microsoft Azure solutions for AWS developers
A three-day course designed to teach AWS (Amazon Web Services) developers how to prepare end-to-end solutions in Microsoft Azure. In this course you will construct Azure App Service Web App solutions and Azure Functions, use blob or Cosmos DB storage in solutions, implement secure cloud solutions that include user authentication and authorization, implement API management, and develop event- and message-based solutions, and monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize your Azure solutions. You will learn how developers use Azure services, with additional focus on features and tasks that differ from AWS, and what that means for you as you develop applications that will be hosted by using Azure services.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
3 დღე, 24 საათი
Microsoft Azure technologies for AWS architects
This course teaches Solutions Architects who have previously designed for Amazon Web Services how to translate business requirements into secure, scalable, and reliable solutions for Azure. Lessons include virtualization, automation, networking, storage, identity, security, data platform, and application infrastructure. This course outlines how decisions in each theses area affects an overall solution.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
4 დღე, 32 საათი
Office 365 Administrator
This is a five-day instructor-led training (ILT) course that targets the needs of IT professionals who take part in evaluating, planning, deploying, and operating Microsoft Office 365 services, including its identities, dependencies, requirements, and supporting technologies. This course focuses on skills required to set up an Office 365 tenant, including federation with existing user identities, and skills required to sustain an Office 365 tenant and its users.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
5 დღე, 40 საათი
Microsoft 365 Identity and Services
This course covers three central elements of Microsoft 365 enterprise administration – Microsoft 365 tenant and service management, Office 365 management, and Microsoft 365 identity management. In Microsoft 365 tenant and service management, you will examine all the key components that must be planned for when designing your Microsoft 365 tenant. Once this planning phase is complete, you will learn how to configure your Microsoft 365 tenant, including your organizational profile, tenant subscription options, component services, user accounts and licenses, and security groups. Finally, you will learn how to manage your tenant, which includes the configuration of tenant roles and managing your tenant health and services.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
5 დღე, 40 საათი
Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security
This course covers three central elements of Microsoft 365 enterprise administration – Microsoft 365 security management, Microsoft 365 compliance management, and Microsoft 365 device management. In Microsoft 365 security management, you will examine all the common types of threat vectors and data breaches facing organizations today, and you will learn how Microsoft 365’s security solutions address these security threats. You will be introduced to the Microsoft Secure Score, as well as to Azure Active Directory Identity Protection. You will then learn how to manage the Microsoft 365 security services, including Exchange Online Protection, Advanced Threat Protection, Safe Attachments, and Safe Links. Finally, you will be introduced to the various reports that monitor your security health. You will then transition from security services to threat intelligence; specifically, using the Security Dashboard and Advanced Threat Analytics to stay ahead of potential security breaches.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
5 დღე, 40 საათი
Microsoft 365 Security Administration
In this course you will learn how to secure user access to your organization’s resources. The course covers user password protection, multi-factor authentication, how to enable Azure Identity Protection, how to setup and use Azure AD Connect, and introduces you to conditional access in Microsoft 365. You will learn about threat protection technologies that help protect your Microsoft 365 environment. Specifically, you will learn about threat vectors and Microsoft’s security solutions to mitigate threats. You will learn about Secure Score, Exchange Online protection, Azure Advanced Threat Protection, Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection, and threat management. In the course you will learn about information protection technologies that help secure your Microsoft 365 environment. The course discusses information rights managed content, message encryption, as well as labels, policies and rules that support data loss prevention and information protection. Lastly, you will learn about archiving and retention in Microsoft 365 as well as data governance and how to conduct content searches and investigations. This course covers data retention policies and tags, in-place records management for SharePoint, email retention, and how to conduct content searches that support eDiscovery investigations.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
4 დღე, 32 საათი
Building applications and solutions with Microsoft 365 core services
This course covers five central elements of Microsoft 365 platform – implementing Microsoft Identity, working with Microsoft Graph, extending and customizing SharePoint, extending Teams, and extending Office. In this course, students will learn how to implement Microsoft Identity and work with Microsoft Graph. Students will also gain the knowledge on UI elements (including Adaptive Cards and UI Fabric), Integration Points (including Microsoft Teams, Office Add-ins, SharePoint Framework, Actionable Messages), and determining workload platform targets. In implementing Microsoft Identity, students will learn to implement Microsoft identity including registering an application, implanting authentication, configuring permissions to consume an API, and creating a service to access Microsoft Graph. In working with Microsoft Graph, students will learn how to access user data, explore query parameters, manage a group lifecycle, access files, and optimize network traffic using Microsoft Graph. In extending and customizing SharePoint, students will learn about SharePoint Framework web parts, extensions, and how to package and deploy a SPFx solution. In extending Teams, students will look at the components of a Teams App, work with webhooks, tabs, and conversational bots. In extending Office, students work with Office Add-ins, task pane add-ins, JavaScript APIs, Office UI Fabric, and actionable messages with adaptive cards.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
5 დღე, 40 საათი
Managing Microsoft Teams
The Managing Microsoft Teams course is designed for persons who are aspiring to the Microsoft 365 Teams Admin role. Microsoft Teams admins configure, deploy, and manage Office 365 workloads for Microsoft Teams that focus on efficient and effective collaboration and communication in an enterprise environment. This course covers six central elements - Microsoft Teams overview, implementing governance, security and compliance for Microsoft Teams, preparing the environment for a Microsoft Teams deployment, deploying and managing teams, managing collaboration and managing communication in Microsoft Teams. In Microsoft Teams overview, you will get an overview of Microsoft Teams including Teams architecture and related Office 365 workloads. You will be provided an overview of security and compliance in Microsoft Teams and finally get an overview of how to manage Microsoft Teams. In implementing governance, security and compliance for Microsoft Teams, you will plan and configure governance for Office 365 groups including expiration and naming policies. Then you will implement security by configuring conditional access, MFA or Threat Management for Microsoft Teams. Finally, you will implement compliance for Teams by using DLP policies, eDiscovery cases or supervision policies. In preparing the environment for a Microsoft Teams deployment, you plan an upgrade from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams by evaluating upgrade paths with coexistence and upgrade modes, manage meeting migrations and configuring coexistence and upgrade settings. Then you plan and configure network settings for Microsoft Teams, and finally you will deploy and manage Microsoft Teams endpoints. In deploying and managing teams, you will learn how to create and manage teams, manage membership and access for both, internal and external users. In managing collaboration in Microsoft Teams, you will manage chat and collaboration experiences such as team settings or private channel creation policies. Finally, you will manage settings for Teams apps such as app setup policies, Apps, bots & connectors in Microsoft Teams or publish a custom app in Microsoft Teams. This course concludes with managing communication in Microsoft Teams. You will learn how to manage Live event and meetings experiences, manage phone numbers or Phone System for Microsoft Teams and finally how to troubleshoot audio, video, and client issues.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
4 დღე, 32 საათი
Microsoft 365 Messaging
This course examines the key elements of Microsoft 365 messaging administration, including message transport and mail flow, messaging security, hygiene, and compliance, messaging infrastructure, and hybrid messaging. This course is designed for IT Professionals who deploy and manage the messaging infrastructure for Microsoft 365 in their organization.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
5 დღე, 40 საათი

Microsoft Corporation არის მსოფლიო ლიდერი პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფის, მოწყობილობებისა და IT სერვისების წარმოებაში. კომპანიის ერთ-ერთი მთავარი მიმართულებაა ღრუბლოვანი სერვისები ბიზნეს პრობლემების გადასაჭრელად, აპლიკაციების შემუშავების, შესრულებისა და განაწილებულ მონაცემთა ცენტრებში მდებარე სერვერებზე მონაცემების შესანახად. Microsoft-ის გადაწყვეტილებებს იყენებს უამრავი ორგანიზაცია მთელს მსოფლიოში.

Microsoft-ის გადაწყვეტილებების ასორტიმენტი მაქსიმალურად ფართოა და MUK სასწავლო ცენტრი გთავაზობთ Microsoft-ის სერტიფიცირებულ კურსებს ყველა გადაწყვეტის შესახებ, რომელსაც კომპანია გთავაზობთ. ჩვენთან შეგიძლიათ გაიაროთ ტრენინგი შემდეგ მიმართულებებში:  Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Windows Server, Microsoft Office, Office 365, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Sharepoint, და სხვა:
– AZ-900T00-A  Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
– AZ-104T00-A  Microsoft Azure Administrator
– AZ-204T00-A  Developing solutions for Microsoft Azure
– AZ-303T00-A  Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies
– AZ-500T00-A  Microsoft Azure Security Technologies
– MS-030T00-A  Office 365 Administrator
– MS-100T00-A  Microsoft 365 Identity and Services
– MS-101T00-A  Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security
– MS-500T00-A  Microsoft 365 Security Administration
– MS-600T00-A  Building applications and solutions with Microsoft 365 core services
– DA-100T00-A  Analyzing Data with Power BI
– MS-040T00-A  Manage SharePoint and OneDrive in Microsoft 365
– 20339-1   Planning and Administering SharePoint 2016
– 20339-2-A Advanced Technologies of SharePoint 2016
– 20462-D  Administering Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 Databases
– 20461-D  Querying Microsoft SQL Server® 2014
– 10998-A  Updating Your Skills to SQL Server 2017
– 20464-D  Developing Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Databases
– 20467-D  Designing Business Intelligence Solutions with Microsoft SQL Server 2014

MUK სასწავლო ცენტრის კიდევ ერთი უპირატესობა ის არის, რომ თქვენ შეგიძლიათ გაიაროთ ტრენინგი როგორც კლასში ასევე დისტანციურ ფორმატში, ამიტომ Microsoft-ის კურსები – საქართველოში – ყველასთვის ხელმისაწვდომია.

Microsoft-ის კურსები MUK-ის სასწავლო ცენტრში საშუალებას მისცემს თქვენს IT პროფესიონალებს შეიძინონ საჭირო უნარები და გამოიყენონ ისინი რაც შეიძლება მალე, რათა უზრუნველყონ კომპანიის IT ინფრასტრუქტურის სტაბილურობა და ეფექტურობა.

კონსულტაციის მიღება
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