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Training Center MUKКурсыIBMInfosphereVirtual Module Algorithms for InfoSphere MDM V11

Virtual Module Algorithms for InfoSphere MDM V11

ტრენინგის კოდი
2 დღე, 16 საათი
კურსის აღწერა
კურსის პროგრამა
კურსის აღწერა

Do you want to find match member records, link member records, and perfect a search algorithm for your InfoSphere MDM Virtual implementation? Then this course is designed for you. The InfoSphere MDM Virtual Module Algorithms V.11 course prepares students to work with and customize the algorithm configurations deployed to the InfoSphere MDM Probabilistic Matching Engine (PME) for Virtual MDM implementations. The PME is the heart of all Matching, Linking, and Searching for entities (Person, Organization, etc) that exist in InfoSphere MDM. This course has a heavy emphasis on the exercises, where the students will implement the customization discussed in the course to perform matching, linking, and searching on fields not provided by the default implementation. At the end of this course, it is expected that students will feel comfortable customizing an algorithm for the PME for Virtual implementations.

  • Understand how Matching and Linking work for both the Virtual Implementations of InfoSphere MDM
  • Understand the MDM configuration project and database tables used by the PME
  • Understand the PME Algorithms (Standardization, Bucketing and Comparison steps) and how to create and customize the algorithms using the workbench
  • Understand how to analyze the Bucketing steps in an algorithm
  • Understand how to generate weights for a given algorithm and how those weights are generated based on a sample database set
  • Understand how to analyze the weights that are generated using the workbench
  • Understand how to deploy the PME configuration for the Virtual implementations of InfoSphere MDM


This intermediate course is for Business and Technical Specialist working with the Matching, Linking, and Search services of InfoSphere MDM Virtual module.


It is recommended that you take the following course prior to enrolling in this course:

    • (1Z801) or experience with InfoSphere MDM
კურსის პროგრამა

Day 1

  • Unit 1: PME and Virtual Overview
  • Unit 2: Virtual MDM Algorithms
  • Unit 3: Virtual PME Data Model

Day 2

  • Unit 4: Bucket Analysis
  • Unit 5: Weights
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Virtual Module Algorithms for InfoSphere MDM V11
ტრენინგის კოდი:
2 დღე, 16 საათი
კონსულტაციის მიღება
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