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Training Center MUKКурсыIBMStorageSAN Volume Controller (SVC) – Планирование и особенности применения

SAN Volume Controller (SVC) - Планирование и особенности применения

ტრენინგის კოდი
4 დღე, 32 საათი
კურსის აღწერა
კურსის პროგრამა
კურსის აღწერა
This course is designed to leverage SAN storage connectivity by integrating a layer of intelligence or virtualization, the SAN Volume Controller (SVC) to facilitate storage application data access independence from storage management functions and requirements. The focus is on planning and implementation tasks associated with integrating the SVC into the storage area network. It also explains how to:
  • Centralize storage provisioning to host servers from common storage pools.
  • Facilitate the coexistence and migration of data from non-virtualized to the virtualized environment.
  • Improve storage utilization effectiveness using Thin Provisioning and Real-time Compression.
  • Implement storage tiering and optimize solid state drives (SSDs) or flash systems usage with Easy Tier.
  • Utilize network-level storage subsystem-independent data replication services to satisfy backup and disaster recovery requirements.
ტრენინგზე რეგისტრაცია
SAN Volume Controller (SVC) - Планирование и особенности применения
ტრენინგის კოდი:
4 დღე, 32 საათი