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Training Center MUKКурсыRed HatCertificationsRed Hat Certified Specialist in Hybrid Cloud Management exam

Red Hat Certified Specialist in Hybrid Cloud Management exam

ტრენინგის კოდი
1 დღე, 2 საათი
კურსის აღწერა
კურსის პროგრამა
კურსის აღწერა

Exam description

The Red Hat Certified Specialist in Hybrid Cloud Management exam (EX220) is a performance-based validation of Red Hat® CloudForms skills. Individuals who earn the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Hybrid Cloud Management have demonstrated the knowledge needed to deploy and manage a virtualization infrastructure using Red Hat CloudForms.

A Red Hat Certified Specialist in Hybrid Cloud Management is able to perform the following tasks:

  • Perform initial configuration of Red Hat CloudForms
  • Configure Red Hat CloudForms to connect to one or more cloud or infrastructure providers
  • Use Red Hat CloudForms to provision and manage virtual systems

This exam is based on Red Hat CloudForms 4.

ტრენინგზე რეგისტრაცია
Red Hat Certified Specialist in Hybrid Cloud Management exam
ტრენინგის კოდი:
1 დღე, 2 საათი