კონსულტაციის მიღება
Training Center MUKКурсыOracleJavaJava Programming Language, Java Standard Edition 6

Java Programming Language, Java Standard Edition 6

ტრენინგის კოდი
5 დღე, 40 საათი
კურსის აღწერა
კურსის პროგრამა
კურსის აღწერა

Course overview

The Java Programming Language course give you a solid foundation for programming with Java. This course is ideal for programmers interested in adding the Java programming language to their list of skills, as well as those preparing for the Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 6 Programmer examination.

Learn To:

  • Understand the syntax of the Java programming language.
  • Use object-oriented programming with the Java programming language.
  • Create graphical user interfaces (GUIs), exceptions, file input/output (I/O), threads and networking.
  • Develop Java technology applications.

Benefits to You

Boost the productivity, communication and collaboration of your organization. At the same time, reduce the cost of application ownership through more efficient development and deployment techniques. Maintain your edge by staying current with the global standard for developing networked applications.

ტრენინგზე რეგისტრაცია
Java Programming Language, Java Standard Edition 6
ტრენინგის კოდი:
5 დღე, 40 საათი