კონსულტაციის მიღება
Training Center MUKКурсыIBMIBM DataPowerFundamentals of IBM DataPower Gateway

Fundamentals of IBM DataPower Gateway

ტრენინგის კოდი
1 დღე, 8 საათი
კურსის აღწერა
კურსის პროგრამა
კურსის აღწერა

This course introduces solution architects to IBM DataPower Gateway 7.5. The course teaches you the essential skills that are required to configure, implement, and troubleshoot services that are developed on the IBM DataPower Gateways (IDG) with firmware version 7.5, regardless of use case.

In this course, you learn the key features for IBM DataPower Gateway. You learn how to develop and debug services that are implemented on the DataPower gateways. You use the WebGUI and Blueprint Console to examine a multi-protocol gateway, edit the gateway, and test the service by using a browser and by using the cURL command. You learn the basic steps necessary to implement a message flow within the DataPower gateway. Finally, you use the SoapUI tool to send a SOAP message to the multi-protocol gateway that you create. This course is designed for solution architects to provide an overview of the full capabilities of developing and debugging services in IBM DataPower Gateway without going deeply through each feature.

ტრენინგზე რეგისტრაცია
Fundamentals of IBM DataPower Gateway
ტრენინგის კოდი:
1 დღე, 8 საათი