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Training Center MUKКурсыDell Technologies (Dell EMC)

Dell Technologies (Dell EMC)

Cloud Services Planning and Design
This expert-level course provides technical professionals the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and design for robust cloud services in a cloud and IT as a Service environment. Building on the skills acquired in the Cloud Infrastructure Planning and Design specialist-level course, it focuses on governance, organizational, financial, and technology aspects as well as the management and operation of cloud services. Through lecture, discussions, case studies, design examples, and a series of interactive labs, students learn to design solutions which transform business operations and cloud environments to support a cloud services model. The course is applicable to enterprise, service provider, and existing data center operations considering cloud and cloud services. This course uses an “open” approach focusing on core concepts, principals, and technologies rather than specific products.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
5 დღე, 40 საათი
RecoverPoint Management
The RecoverPoint Management course is designed for anyone who is responsible for the administration and management of a RecoverPoint environment.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
3 დღე, 24 საათი
NetWorker Implementation and Administration
This course provides participants with the knowledge and basic skills necessary to install, configure, maintain and monitor NetWorker. The course contains lectures, hands-on labs and video demonstrations to provide experience with specific concepts.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
5 დღე, 40 საათი
Dell NetWorker Integration
This course focuses on optimizing NetWorker performance and integrating NetWorker with Dell EMC backup products, Microsoft applications, Oracle, SAP, MEDITECH and virtual environments. Operational best practices are included with a focus on configuring and performing backup and recovery of file systems, applications and databases. The course provides hands-on labs to reinforce the training.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
5 დღე, 40 საათი
VxRail Appliance Administration
This course presents the knowledge necessary to administer and manage a VxRail Cluster. Key topics include management interfaces, managing cluster configurations, resource provisioning and expansion, monitoring, managing availability, and basic troubleshooting. Hands on labs included in
the course provide a step-by-step walkthrough of the key procedures to manage the cluster.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
3 დღე, 24 საათი
PowerScale Administration
This course will prepare students to implement a Dell EMC PowerScale cluster, configure software features of the OneFS operating system and administer a cluster on a day to day basis. Students will learn about PowerScale's data protection methods, the ability to tier data from one node pool to another based on configured rules and synchronize data to other clusters or to cloud resources. This course is in alignment with the Specialist, Isilon Implementation Engineer Proven Professional certification. This is a direct update to the previously known Isilon Administration and Management course.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
5 დღე, 40 საათი
Dell Connectrix SAN Administration
This course is intended for individuals who will perform SAN management activities using vendor or EMC tools. The Connectrix family of switches are managed to provide connectivity to host and storage through a SAN. SAN switches are administered through their CLI and GUI management tools for configuration in a multi-switch fabric and to enable communication between the hosts and storage. Fibre Channel, FCIP, iSCSI and FCoE environments are presented for management and switch configuration along with NPIV and NPV. The concepts of EMC SAN best practices, performance monitoring, basic troubleshooting and security are also addressed
კლასში, დისტანციურად
4 დღე, 32 საათი
Cloud Infrastructure Planning and Design v2
This course presents the knowledge and skills to successfully design a cloud infrastructure that supports multiple types of services. The course takes an “open” approach and outlines infrastructure, application platform, and cloud management platform as the fundamental layers in a cloud. It explores the business needs and challenges that have led the organization to adopt a cloud solution. This course highlights the benefits, challenges, and considerations of design choices and emphasizes the importance of proper requirements gathering in the design process. Additionally, students are provided with opportunities to practice these new skills while performing exercises and labs. This course prepares the student for the Dell Technologies Proven Professional Cloud Architect Specialist level certification exam
კლასში, დისტანციურად
5 დღე, 40 საათი
PowerProtect DD System Administration
The PowerProtect DD System Administration course provides the knowledge and skills needed for configuring and maintaining PowerProtect DD systems. The course provides lectures, instructor demonstrations, hands-on exercises, reviews, knowledge checks, and pointers to further study.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
4 დღე, 32 საათი
Dell Avamar Implementation and Administration
This course explains and demonstrates configuration and use of Avamar. Students learn how to configure Avamar for operation; how to create and manage user accounts; how to configure and initiate backup and restore of data; and how to monitor Avamar operation.
კლასში, დისტანციურად
5 დღე, 40 საათი

Dell Technologies ორგანიზაციებს სთავაზობს გადაწყვეტილებების სრულ სპექტრს ბიზნესის ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციისთვის.
კომპანია მომხმარებელს სთავაზობს ყველა კომპონენტს ციფრული ინფრასტრუქტურის შესაქმნელად Dell Technologies-ის გადაწყვეტილებების პორტფოლიო მოიცავს სერვერებს, საცავებს, ჰიპერ-კონვერგირებული ინფრასტრუქტურის გადაწყვეტილებებს, ქსელის აპარატურას, პროგრამულ უზრუნველყოფას და პროდუქტებს ბოლო მომხმარებლებისთვის.
Dell Technologies-ის კურსები დაეხმარება კომპანიების IT პროფესიონალებს ისწავლონ როგორ იმუშაონ კომპანიის სხვადასხვა გადაწყვეტილებებთან. Dell Technologies-ის ძირითადი გადაწყვეტილებებია APEX Infrastructure Services, APEX Data Storage Services, Dell EMC PowerEdge Rack Servers, Dell EMC PowerStore Scalable All-Flash Storage, Open Networking with PowerSwitch  და სხვა.
მაგალითად, Dell EMC კურსები დაგეხმარებათ გაიგოთ სერვერისა და მეხსიერების მართვის სირთულეები. ტრენინგები ასევე მოიცავს Dell-ის სხვა გადაწყვეტილებებს – MUK Training Center-ის კურსები საშუალებას მისცემს კომპანიის ადმინისტრატორებს შექმნან კონვერგირებული ინფრასტრუქტურა Dell-ის პროდუქტებზე დაყრდნობით, ისწავლონ ამ მწარმოებლის ქსელურ აღჭურვილობასთან მუშაობა, ასევე მიიღონ შესაბამისი კვალიფიკაცია ისეთ სფეროებში, როგორიცაა ვირტუალიზაცია, მონაცემთა დაცვა, ღრუბლოვანი გადაწყვეტილებები და IT ინფრასტრუქტურის მართვა.

MUK Training Center მომხმარებელს სთავაზობს Dell-ის შემდეგ კურსებს საქართველოში:
– ES181SVR00151 Dell EMC PowerEdge Installation Administration and Troubleshooting
– ES112STG00110 Dell EMC Unity Implementation and Administration
– MR-1CN-VPLEXMGMT VPLEX Administration
– ES111STG00802 Information Storage and Management (ISM) V4
– DESPR-826-8015 Dell EMC Networking – Data Center Configuration and Administration
– MR-1CP-NWIM NetWorker Implementation and Administration
– MR-1CP-ETCSPD Cloud Services Planning and Design
– ES114CPX00077 VxRail Appliance Administration
– MR-1CP-SANMGMT SAN Management
– ES112STG00370 PowerMax and VMAX Family Configuration and Business Continuity Administration
– MR-1CN-ECSMGTMON ECS Administration
– DESILT-825-3835 Dell EMC SC Series Implementation and Administration
– MR-1LP-ISIAM PowerScale Administration
– ES103STG01979 PowerScale Advanced Administration

იმის უზრუნველსაყოფად, რომ თქვენს თანამშრომლებს შეუძლიათ სწრაფად მიიღონ საჭირო ცოდნა და გამოიყენონ ის პრაქტიკაში, ჩაწერეთ ისინი Dell-ის კურსებზე.

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