კონსულტაციის მიღება

Civil 3D: Cartography

ტრენინგის კოდი
5 დღე, 40 საათი
კურსის აღწერა
კურსის პროგრამა
კურსის აღწერა


This a training course on information modeling in the geodesy field and cartography for the architectural and construction industry

The course is based on the basic principles of information modeling of infrastructure facilities:

  • creation and analysis of digital information models
  • technologies for interdisciplinary interaction and organization of joint work
  • effective methods of making changes to the model and documentation
  • execution of documentation in accordance with state and industry regulations

The course is designed for professionals who wants to apply modern technologies in their work, reduce the number of design errors, and learn how to effectively interact with colleagues

Used materials:

  • practical training materials
  • additional utilities and add-ons for Civil 3D
  • useful links and tutorials

This course can be adapted according to the specialist specific activities or based on a real pilot project

Autodesk certificate is issued in electronic format after the course completion



  • Civil 3D: its features and the application principles for the road development in geodesy and cartography
  • the Civil 3D capabilities in automating the topographic process and geodetic works
  • an optimal solution development for a digital and electronic map (plan) creation
  • to teach the students to serve the needs of their organization in the automation of topographic and geodetic activities


  • навыки работы с программными ГИС-продуктами (AutoCAD Map 3D, MapInfo, ArcView) будут способствовать лучшему пониманию материала курса
  • программное обеспечение Civil 3D
კურსის პროგრამა

Course outline

1. Civil 3D product introduction: a toolkit for geodesy, cartography and geoinformatics

2. Work with a coordinate systems

  • creating a coordinate systems
  • displaying data in a different coordinate system
  • tracking coordinate systems

3. Basic data сollection

  • Civil 3D point import
  • external link addition and its management
  • scanned maps addition
  • data import and other format connection – MAP tools (GIS functionality)

4. A point file Import and the result procession

  • importing of point file
  • line display in conventional symbols
  • point display in conventional signs
  • creation of symbols for points
  • line correction
  • the display setting of spot elevations

5. A 2D survey preparation in AutoCAD format for converting to a 3D view

  • initial data – blocks with attributes
  • initial data – a text
  • initial data – a point-text pair

6. A surface construction

  • a TIN-surface creation
  • Civil and Map point clouds
  • a raster surface creation

7. Structural relief lines

  • drawing and editing feature lines
  • feature line interaction
  • adding feature lines as surface breaklines

8. Displaying elevation data

  • contour marks
  • bergstriking
  • extracting surface data
  • editing display styles for elevation data
  • hatching the slopes

9. The topological map correctness checking

  • the drawing object topology checking
  • the external GIS data topology checking

10. Map design

  • building a map legend
  • preparation of a tablet design template
  • the automatic map cutting into tablets

11. Summing up and issuing Autodesk certificates

ტრენინგზე რეგისტრაცია
Civil 3D: Cartography
ტრენინგის კოდი:
5 დღე, 40 საათი
კონსულტაციის მიღება
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