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Training Center MUKCertificationPearson VUE Certification

Pearson VUE Certification

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About the exam

Pearson VUE   

Having an Authorized Pearson VUE Testing Center and a Red Hat individual testing station allows our customers and partners not only to undergo authorized training, but also to receive a certificate that is recognized throughout the world and confirms the knowledges gained. Anyone can order and pass certification exams from almost all available vendors. 

PEARSON VUE Test Center 

The Pearson VUE Authorized Testing Center is successfully operating on the basis of the MUK Training Center. Before applying for the exam, please read the basic rules and conditions

Registration for the exam
Registration for the exam

To register for the examyou must: 

  • Select the exam you want on the Pearson VUE website. The exam prices listed on the exam providers’ websites are also valid in our Testing Center. 
  • Send an application (completed registration form) to the Testing Center administrator – Natalia Iatskonla@muk.ua, tel.: + 38 (044) 492 2929, ext. 492, or register yourself with Pearson VUE. 
How to get tested
How to get tested

To pass the testing you are interested inyou must:

  • Select the exam that interests you among the certification programs of the vendor companies. 
  • Familiarize yourself with the rules for passing exams in the test center. You can pay for testing services using: 
  • credit cards (VisaAmerican ExpressMasterCard) 
  • vouchers of the respective vendor for testing 
  • Register for testing. We recommend that you register for testing no later than 2 business days before the desired date of the test. You can take your chosen exam any day from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00, subject to availability. 
  • Come to the MUK Training Center 15 minutes before the start of testing at the address: Ukraine, Kiev, 4G V. Lobanovskiy ave., class No. 6. You must have two identification documents (for example, passport + driver’s license, passport + signed credit card, passport + company certificate from the place of work), as well as a document confirming payment. Before starting testing, the test center administrator will familiarize you in detail with the rules for compiling a test and answer all your questions. 

You can find out the test results immediately after passing the test. You will receive a printed score report of the exam. In case of successful testing, the corresponding certificate will be sent to you by the vendor by mail within 1-2 months after testing, you can also independently download the pdf-format of the certificate from your account, if this function is provided. 

Testing rules
Testing rules

Requirements for candidates:

There are no restrictions on age, place of residence and level of education – everyone who is confident in their abilities can take certification exams. 

Postponement and cancellation of the exam:

  • If necessary, the exam can be canceled or postponed to another time or date. To do this, you must contact the administrator of the test center no later than a day before the day of testing. Saturday and Sunday are days off, so you must notify exams scheduled for Monday on Friday no later than 16:00. 
  • If the above deadlines for submitting an application to postpone or cancel the exam are not met, the Testing Center does not guarantee the successful completion of these operations and in case of failure, all costs are borne by the candidate. 

 Exam rules 

  • On the exam day, the candidate must show up at the test center 15 minutes before the start of the exam, with two identity documents (for example, passport + driver’s license, passport + signed credit card, passport + company certificate from the place of work), and document confirming payment for exam. 
  • Testing takes place indoors. During testing, the candidate is constantly monitored by video. 
  • For the duration of the exam, outerwear and all personal belongings of the candidate (including a wristwatch, mobile phone, bag, backpack) are stored in a specially designated place, locked in a closet or drawer. 
  • All tests are time limited. Questions left unanswered by a candidate are considered as incorrect answers. A break during the exam is discouraged and the countdown does not stop if the candidate leaves the workplace. 
  • After completing the test, the candidate receives a printed report with the test results. 
  • For candidates living in Eastern Europe and the Baltic States, in the case of passing the English-language versions of the tests, 15-30 minutes are automatically added to the time allotted for passing. Most of the exams are in English. 
  • Before starting testing, you must read and agree, i.e. sign, with the terms of the “VUE Candidate Rules Checklist”. 

In the process of passing the exam, the candidate has the right to: 

  • Get answers to questions about the testing procedure before, during and after the test. 
  • Contact with Test Center administrator for help in case of any hardware or software problem. 
  • Receive in the reception a laminated sheet (1 pc.) And a marker (1 pc.) For rough notes and the necessary auxiliary materials (if provided by the rules for drawing up a particular vendor). 
  • To leave the testing room, realizing that the test does not stop, and the time allotted for passing the test does not increase. Leaving the audience for a while, the candidate must bring an identity card with him. The administrator will check it when leaving the classroom and returning to it. 

In the process of passing the exam, the candidate must:

  • Before passing the test, leave bags and other personal items in the place indicated by the administrator. 
  • Turn off the mobile phone during the test. 
  • Sit in the place indicated to him. 
  • After finishing the exam, submit all drafts and supporting materials to the administrator. 
  • Fulfill all the requirements of the administrator, be in the testing room during the entire time of the test. 

In the process of passing the exam, the candidate is prohibited from:

  • Eat, drink, smoke, make noise. 
  • Talk to other candidates, look at their computer screens, as well as supporting materials and recordings. 
  • Interfere with other candidates in any way. 
  • Use records and other supporting materials except as permitted by the respective vendor. 
  • Use laptops, programmable calculators and mobile phones. 
  • Rewrite questions or answers and try to move them out of the testing room and show them to other candidates. 
  • In case of non-fulfillment of obligations and violation of these prohibitions, the administrator immediately (without prior notice) terminates the test, the candidate is deprived of the opportunity to receive a report on the test results. Moreover, information about violations will be transferred to the appropriate vendor for further decision of the candidate’s fate. 
After exam
After exam
  • After the end of testing, the candidate receives a printed report with the test results. 
  • If the candidate takes the exam for the first time, he is also given the Testing ID (a unique identification number in the Pearson VUE test center databases). This number is assigned to the candidate for passing subsequent exams. 
  • If the certification program is passed successfully and all the requirements are met, then in 4-6 weeks a certificate will be sent to the Candidate. To obtain a certificate, a candidate can indicate home, work or any other mailing address when registering for the exam. 
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