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Juniper Networks is a manufacturer of innovative networking solutions, from individual devices to data centers, from end users to cloud service providers. The company’s portfolio includes routers, switches, network traffic management software, VPNs and firewalls, data center equipment and WAN accelerators, and intrusion prevention systems as well.

The company is successfully developing the concept of AI-Driven Enterprise, in the center of which is the network platform Mist AI based on artificial intelligence. One of the key components of this platform is the JUNOS operating system, based on FreeBSD and containing a full set of POSIX-compatible commands and tools. JUNOS is also known for a high degree of regression testing (three releases per year).

The most popular product lines: MX / MX3D (MX960, MX480, MX240, MX80, МХ104), PTX, M-series (M120, M320), T-series (T640, T1600), SRX security gateways, EX switches, VPN technology “JUNOS Pulse”, WLAN WLC / WLA, WebAppSecure, DDosSecure, Junos Secure Analytics.

Authorized Juniper Networks courses at the MUK Training Center will allow you to grasp the skills of working with the solutions of this manufacturer. In particular, you will get acquainted with the JUNOS operating system, the intricacies of its configuration and operation, gain the necessary skills and knowledge of Juniper network design, master an in-depth course on data center switching, and be able to take other Juniper courses.

MUK Training Center conducts the following Juniper courses in Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine:

• JN-IJOS Introduction to the Junos Operating System (IJOS)

• JN-JIR Junos Intermediate Routing (JIR)

• JN-AJER Advanced Junos Enterprise Routing (AJER)

• JN-JEX Junos Enterprise Switching (JEX)

• JN-AJEX Advanced Junos Enterprise Switching (AJEX)

• JN-IJSEC Introduction to Juniper Security

• JN-JSEC Juniper Security

• JN-AJSEC Advanced Juniper Security

• JN-JMF Junos MPLS Fundamentals (JMF)

• JN-JSPX Junos Service Provider Switching (JSPX)

• JN-ADCX Data Center Fabric with EVPN and VXLAN

• JN-JL2V Junos Layer 2 VPNs (JL2V)

• JN-JL3V Junos Layer 3 VPNs (JL3V)

The MUK Training Center will help your IT professionals gain skills in working with Juniper equipment – the courses will enable network administrators to improve their skills and effectively manage the company’s infrastructure.