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Check Point Software Technologies is one of the world’s leading developers of information security solutions. The company offers customers a variety of products, including firewalls with extensible functionality (UTM), devices to protect against zero-day threats, unknown and targeted attacks by analyzing file behavior, solutions to protect against interception of accounts, malware, zero-day threats and leaks of confidential data for enterprise cloud applications, tools to protect private virtual environments, Endpoint Security clients to protect workstations, and tools to ensure secure operation from mobile devices.
The MUK Training Center offers Check Point training courses for employees of the information security department of organizations.
The MUK Training Center provides its students with the following Check Point courses in Kyiv and Ukraine:
• Check Point Certified Admin (CCSA) R80.x
• Check Point Certified Expert (CCSE) R80.x
• Check Point Certified Maestro Expert (CCME)
Check Point courses provided by the MUK Training Center will allow your IS specialists to gain unique skills in setting up and operating the products of this brand in the most convenient form and at the right time for you, allowing you to reliably protect your physical, virtual or cloud infrastructures.