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Training Center MUKКурсыAmazon Web Services (AWS)Developer TrainingRunning Container-Enabled Microservices on AWS

Running Container-Enabled Microservices on AWS

Код курсу
1 Днів, 8 Ак. Годин
Опис курсу
Програма курсу
Опис курсу

Course description

Running Container-Enabled Microservices on AWS is designed to teach you how to manage and scale container-enabled applications by using Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). This course highlights the challenges of running containerized applications at scale and provides guidance on creating and using Amazon ECS to develop and deploy containerized microservices-based applications. In the hands-on lab exercises you will use Amazon ECS to handle long-running services, build and deploy container images, link services together, and scale capacity to meet demand. You will also learn how to run container workers for asynchronous application processes.


Course objectives

This course is designed to teach you how to:

  • Design a microservices-based architecture that uses containers
  • Use Amazon ECS to run and scale a microservices-based application
  • Integrate Amazon ECS with other AWS services

Intended audience

This course is intended for:

  • Developers
  • System Administrators
  • Solutions Architects


We recommend that attendees of this course have:

  • Fundamental knowledge of core AWS services and features
  • Working knowledge of running containerized applications
Програма курсу

Day One

Module 1a: Overview of Microservices on AWS

  • Welcome to Simple Mustache Service!
  • The monolith
  • What are microservices?
  • How to implement a microservices infrastructure
  • The six principles of microservices

Module 1b: Containers and Docker

  • Introduction to containers
  • Comparing virtual machines with containers
  • Docker
  • Running containers
  • Storing container images
  • Hands-on lab: Building and running your first container

Module 2: Continuous delivery for container-based microservices

  • Compare and contrast different software development cycles
  • Use AWS CodePipeline to code, build, and deploy a microservice
  • Use AWS CodeCommit as a source control service
  • Use Jenkins to perform a Docker build
  • Use Postman to run and test microservices
  • Use AWS CloudFormation to provision and deploy microservices
  • Hands-on lab: Using the Amazon ECS Service Scheduler

Module 3: High availability and scaling with Amazon Elastic Container Service

  • High availability
  • Cluster management and scheduling
  • Monitoring
  • Scaling a cluster
  • Scaling services
  • Hands-on lab: Continuous delivery pipelines for container-based microservices

Module 4: Security for container-based microservices

  • Implement security
  • Apply best practices
  • Automate security
  • Evaluate compliance requirements
  • Embed security into the CI/CD
  • Hands-on lab: Extending Amazon ECS with Service Discovery and Config Management
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Running Container-Enabled Microservices on AWS
Код курсу:
1 Днів, 8 Ак. Годин
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