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Training Center MUKКурсыOracleOperating SystemsOracle Solaris 11 Security Administration Ed 3

Oracle Solaris 11 Security Administration Ed 3

Код курсу
5 Днів, 40 Ак. Годин
Опис курсу
Програма курсу
Опис курсу

Course overview

The Oracle Solaris 11 Security Administration course provides students with the knowledge and skills to customize security on the Oracle Solaris 11 operating system. Students will learn about new security features included in Oracle Solaris 11.3, and how to use these features to reduce the risk of intrusion, and secure both applications and data. This course will help students to effectively create a security plan as well as implement and monitor security on a Solaris 11 system.

Note: Students without Oracle Solaris 11 system administration experience should take the Oracle Solaris 11 System Administration and Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced System Administration course first to ensure an effective knowledge of Oracle Solaris 11 system administration before attempting to take this specialty course. Those with Oracle Solaris 10 experience should take the Transition to Oracle Solaris 11 course as it builds on your Oracle Solaris 10 knowledge and provides training more tailored to your background.


Course Objectives

  • Secure users and processes
  • Manage SMF security behavior
  • Manage encryption and certificates
  • Manage auditing
  • Secure files and file system
  • Secure systems and attached devices
  • Manage authentication services
  • Secure the network
  • Secure Oracle Solaris Zones
  • Implement labeled security using Trusted Extensions
  • Plan for basic security
  • Identify Oracle Solaris 11 security technologies

Suggested Prerequisite

  • For experienced system administrators take Transition to Oracle Solaris.
  • For beginners, please take all required prerequisite courses.
  • Shell Programming

Required Prerequisite

  • Transition to Oracle Solaris 11 Ed 5
  • UNIX and Linux Essentials
  • Oracle Solaris 11 System Administration Ed 5
  • Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced System Administration Ed 5


  • System Administrator
  • Security Administrators
  • Network Administrator
Програма курсу

Course Topics


  • Introductions
  • Your lab environment
  • Overview
  • Your Learning Center
  • Course Goals
  • Course Agenda

Plan for basic security

  • Evaluate security principles
  • Perform a security audit
  • Evaluate the need for upgrading systems
  • Configure systems securely
  • Analyze the need for a security policy

Identify Oracle Solaris 11 Security Technologies

  • Describing Oracle Solaris 11 OS Security
  • Exploring Oracle Solaris 11 Security Features

Secure Users and Processes

  • Introducing user and process rights
  • Managing process rights
  • Managing user rights

Manage SMF Security Behavior

  • Describing SMF Configuration
  • Managing Services

Manage Encryption and Certificates

  • Describing Cryptographic Services
  • Implementing the Cryptographic Framework
  • Implementing Key Management Framework (KMF)

Manage Auditing

  • Describing Oracle Solaris Auditing
  • Configuring Oracle Solaris Auditing
  • Administering the audit service
  • Managing the audit records

Secure Files and File System

  • Controlling Access to Files
  • Managing ZFS File System Security
  • Verifying File Integrity

Secure Systems and Attached Devices

  • Assessing the Compliance of an Oracle Solaris System
  • Controlling System Access
  • Protecting System integrity
  • Controlling Access to Devices

Manage Authentication Services

  • Implement PAM to Authenticate Users
  • Implementing Kerberos Authentication Mechanism
  • Securing remotely accesses file systems

Secure the Network

  • Configuring Packet Filter to control network access
  • Configure IPsec and IKE
  • Implementing Secure Shell
  • Implementing TCP Wrappers
  • Describe network security

Secure Oracle Solaris Zones

  • Integrating Security Features into Zones
  • Describing Zones Security
  • Managing Resources in Zones
  • Managing Network Security in Zones

Implement Labeled Security Using Trusted Extensions

  • Describing labeled security
  • Managing Trusted Extensions
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Oracle Solaris 11 Security Administration Ed 3
Код курсу:
5 Днів, 40 Ак. Годин
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