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Training Center MUKКурсыКурсы Операционные системы (ОС)

Курсы Операционные системы (ОС)

Red Hat
Red Hat Security: Identity Management and Active Directory Integration with exam
Red Hat Security: Identity Management and Active Directory Integration (RH362) provides the skills to configure and manage IdM, the comprehensive Identity Management solution bundled with Red Hat® Enterprise Linux.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
5 Днів, 36 Ак. Годин
HK967S (GL645)
Enterprise Linux High Availability Clustering (GL645)
This is an in-depth course that focuses on two key areas, Linux high availability (HA) clustering and HA storage administration. Storage is integral to many HA clusters to make use of clustered storage technologies to enable active/active configurations
Аудиторно, дистанційно
4 Днів, 32 Ак. Годин
Red Hat
Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration
Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration (RH403) is a lab-based course that explores the concepts and methods necessary for successful large-scale management of Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® systems. Course participants will learn how to install Red Hat Satellite 6 on a server and populate it with software packages.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
4 Днів, 32 Ак. Годин
Red Hat
Red Hat Satellite Technical Overview
Red Hat® Satellite is a scalable platform used to manage the patching, provisioning, and subscription management of your Red Hat infrastructure. Learn about the core capabilities of Red Hat Satellite and see how Satellite can help meet your business needs.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
30 Днів, 1 Ак. Годин
Power Systems for AIX - Virtualization III: Implementing Shared Storage Pools
Аудиторно, дистанційно
3 Днів, 24 Ак. Годин
Red Hat
Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration with exam
Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration (RH403) is a lab-based course that explores the concepts and methods necessary for successful large-scale management of Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® systems. Course participants will learn how to install Red Hat Satellite 6 on a server and populate it with software packages
Аудиторно, дистанційно
5 Днів, 36 Ак. Годин
PowerHA SystemMirror 7 Planning, Implementation, Customization and Basic Administration
Аудиторно, дистанційно
5 Днів, 40 Ак. Годин
Red Hat
Red Hat Security and Server Hardening
Red Hat® Server Hardening (RH413) builds on a student's Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE®) certification or equivalent experience to provide an understanding of how to secure a Red Hat Enterprise Linux® system to comply with security policy requirements.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
4 Днів, 32 Ак. Годин
PowerHA SystemMirror 7 Advanced Configurations
Аудиторно, дистанційно
5 Днів, 40 Ак. Годин
Red Hat
Red Hat Security and Server Hardening with exam
Red Hat® Server Hardening (RH413) builds on a student's Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE®) certification or equivalent experience to provide an understanding of how to secure a Red Hat Enterprise Linux® system to comply with security policy requirements.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
5 Днів, 36 Ак. Годин
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