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Training Center MUKКурсыКурсы Облачные технологии

Курсы Облачные технологии

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Practical Data Science with Amazon SageMaker
In this intermediate-level course, you will learn how to solve a real-world use case with Machine Learning (ML) and produce actionable results using Amazon SageMaker. This course walks through the stages of a typical data science process for Machine Learning from analyzing and visualizing a dataset to preparing the data, and feature engineering. Individuals will also learn practical aspects of model building, training, tuning, and deployment with Amazon SageMaker. Real life use case includes customer retention analysis to inform customer loyalty programs.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
1 Днів, 8 Ак. Годин
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Running Container-Enabled Microservices on AWS
Running Container-Enabled Microservices on AWS is designed to teach you how to manage and scale container-enabled applications by using Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). This course highlights the challenges of running containerized applications at scale and provides guidance on creating and using Amazon ECS to develop and deploy containerized microservices-based applications. In the hands-on lab exercises you will use Amazon ECS to handle long-running services, build and deploy container images, link services together, and scale capacity to meet demand. You will also learn how to run container workers for asynchronous application processes.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
1 Днів, 8 Ак. Годин
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Security Engineering on AWS
Learn how to use AWS security services to stay secure in the AWS Cloud. Enhance the security of your data and systems in the cloud with AWS-recommended security practices. In this course, you’ll explore the security features of AWS key services, including compute, storage, networking, and database services. You’ll also learn how to use AWS services and tools for automation, continuous monitoring and logging, and responding to security incidents.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
3 Днів, 24 Ак. Годин
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
AWS Security Essentials
AWS Security Essentials covers fundamental AWS cloud security concepts, including AWS access control, data encryption methods, and how network access to your AWS infrastructure can be secured. Based on the AWS Shared Security Model, you learn where you are responsible for implementing security in the AWS Cloud and what security-oriented services are available to you and why and how the security services can help meet the security needs of your organization.
This course enables you to dive deep, ask questions, work through solutions, and get feedback from AWS-accredited instructors with deep technical knowledge. This is a fundamental level course and is a part of the AWS Security learning path.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
1 Днів, 8 Ак. Годин
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
System Operations on AWS
This course is designed to teach those in a Systems Administrator or Development Operations (DevOps) role how to create automatable and repeatable deployments of networks and systems on the AWS Cloud. The course covers the specific AWS features and tools related to configuration and deployment, in addition to best practices for configuring and deploying systems.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
3 Днів, 24 Ак. Годин
VMware Horizon 8: Infrastructure Administration
This two-day, hands-on course gives you the skills to install and configure a virtual desktop infrastructure platform.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
2 Днів, 16 Ак. Годин
VMware Horizon 8: Skills for Virtual Desktop Management
This three-day, hands-on course gives you the skills to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure platform.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
3 Днів, 24 Ак. Годин
VMware Horizon 8: Virtual Desktop Troubleshooting
This two-day course builds your skills in resolving common issues that occur in a VMware Horizon® environment. You engage in a series of lab exercises to bring existing environment issues to resolution.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
2 Днів, 16 Ак. Годин
VMware Data Center Automation з vRealize Orchestrator і vSphere PowerCLI
На даному п'ятиденному курсі для досвідчених адміністраторів VMware vSphere® слухачі вивчать як використовувати потужні інструменти автоматизації, до яких мають доступ усі клієнти vSphere.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
5 Днів, 40 Ак. Годин
VMware Workspace ONE: Design [V20.x]
In this one-day course, you learn the fundamentals of VMware Workspace ONE® solution design, which addresses both the general solution design logics, the solution design process flow, and the areas of VMware Workspace ONE® UEM use cases.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
1 Днів, 8 Ак. Годин
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