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Курсы Базы данных и СУБД

Oracle Database 11g: Performance Tuning DBA Release 2
This Oracle Database 11g Performance Tuning training starts with an unknown database that requires tuning. You'llthen learn the steps a DBA performs to identify problem areas, diagnose common problems and fix them.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
5 Днів, 40 Ак. Годин
Oracle Database 11g: SQL Tuning Workshop
This Oracle Database 11g: SQL Tuning Workshop Release 2 training assists database developers, DBAs and SQL developers in identifying and tuning inefficient SQL statements.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
3 Днів, 24 Ак. Годин
Oracle Database 11g: Administer a Data Warehouse
This course will help you understand the basic concepts of administering a data warehouse. You'll learn to use various Oracle Database features to improve performance and manageability in a data warehouse.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
1 Днів, 8 Ак. Годин
Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I
This Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I - Self-Study Coursec is designed to teach you the fundamentals of SQL using Oracle Database 11g database technology. Using the powerful Structured Query Language (SQL), the data contained within relational databases can be retrieved, managed and manipulated.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
3 Днів, 24 Ак. Годин
Oracle Database 12c R2: Advanced PL/SQL Ed 2 NEW
This Oracle Database 12c: Advanced PL/SQL training teaches you how to use the advanced features of PL/SQL to design and tune PL/SQL to interface with the database and other applications. Expert Oracle University instructors will help you explore advanced features of program design, packages, cursors, extended interface methods and collections. In this course, you will be introduced to Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
3 Днів, 24 Ак. Годин
Oracle Database 12c R2: ASM Administration Ed 2
This Oracle Database 12c R2: ASM Administration training teaches you about Oracle ASM architecture. Expert Oracle University instructors will help you develop a deeper understanding of both standard ASM and Flex ASM applications. In this course, you will be introduced to Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
2 Днів, 16 Ак. Годин
Oracle Database 12c R2: Backup and Recovery Workshop Ed 3
In this Oracle Database 12c R2: Backup and Recovery Workshop, students learn how to perform backup and recovery based on the related Oracle Database architecture components. Various backup, failure, restore, and recovery scenarios are provided so that students learn to evaluate their own recovery requirements and develop an appropriate strategy for backup and recovery procedures. This course includes an interactive workshop, with scenarios that provide participants with opportunities to diagnose and recover from several failure situations.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
5 Днів, 40 Ак. Годин
Oracle Database 12c R2: Clusterware Administration
This Oracle Database 12c R2: Clusterware Administration training will explore general cluster concepts and Oracle Clusterware architecture. Work with expert Oracle University instructors through interactive instruction and hands-on exercises to reinforce your learning. In this course, you will be introduced to Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
4 Днів, 32 Ак. Годин
Oracle Database 12c R2: Install and Upgrade Workshop
This Oracle Database 12c R2: Install and Upgrade Workshop gives you detailed information to help you install Oracle Database 12c Release 2 software. Expert Oracle instructors will teach you how to create a container database and provision pluggable databases.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
2 Днів, 16 Ак. Годин
Oracle Database 12c R2: New Features for Administrators Part 1 Ed 1
Throughout the lessons of the Oracle Database 12c R2: New Features for Administrators Part 1 course constituted by three modules; the Using SQL New Features and Tools, the Understanding DB Architectures, and the Diagnosing Database Problems, students receive a good knowledge of the Oracle Database 12c Release 2 new and enhanced features in different areas of database administration, mainly in on-premises Multitenant databases.
Аудиторно, дистанційно
5 Днів, 40 Ак. Годин
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