Konsultasiya almaq
Training Center MUKКурсыLINUX & UNIXLinux AdvancedАдминистрирование и устранение ошибок в среде LINUX для продвинутых системных администраторов

Linux Troubleshooting (GL314)

Kursun kodu
U8531S (GL314)
5 Gün, 40 Saat
Kursun təsviri
Kursun proqramı
Kursun təsviri


The GL314 is designed to give Linux administrators experience with both common and uncommon system problems. The course is based on the idea that the best way to learn troubleshooting is to perform troubleshooting. Approximately 25% of class time is spent on lecture, leaving 75% for intensive lab content. Class starts with a discussion of effective troubleshooting technique. Tools and topics are gradually introduced over the course of the week. Students practice applying these tools and techniques in self-paced labs.

Ən yaxın kurs üçün qeydiyyat
Linux Troubleshooting (GL314)
Kursun kodu:
U8531S (GL314)
5 Gün, 40 Saat
Qeydiyyatan keç