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Training Center MUKКурсыVMwareAria AutomationVMware Aria Automation: Install, Configure, Manage [V8.17]

VMware Aria Automation: Install, Configure, Manage [V8.17]

Kursun kodu
5 Gün, 40 Saat
Kursun təsviri
Kursun proqramı
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During this five-day course, you focus on installing, configuring, and managing VMware® Aria Automation™ 8.17 on- premises systems. You learn to use VMware Aria Automation to automate the delivery of virtual machines, applications, and personalized IT services across different data centers and hybrid cloud environments. The course covers how VMware® Aria Automation Service Broker™ can aggregate content in native formats from multiple clouds and platforms into a common catalog.

This course also covers interfacing VMware Aria Automation with other systems using VMware® Aria Automation Orchestrator™ and how to use VMware Aria Automation to manage Kubernetes systems and use other systems. In this course, you will use VMware® Aria Automation Config™ as a configuration management tool.

Ən yaxın kurs üçün qeydiyyat
VMware Aria Automation: Install, Configure, Manage [V8.17]
Kursun kodu:
5 Gün, 40 Saat
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