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Training Center MUKКурсыOracleDatabaseOracle Database: SQL Tuning for Developers Ed 2

Oracle Database: SQL Tuning for Developers Ed 2

Kursun kodu
3 Gün, 24 Saat
Kursun təsviri
Kursun proqramı
Kursun təsviri

Course overview

In this application development-centric course, students learn about Oracle SQL statement tuning and how to write well-tuned SQL statements appropriate for the Oracle database. Students learn to interpret execution plans and the different ways in which data can be accessed. Students are shown how to decipher, decide and then apply tuning to their SQL code. Various tuning techniques are demonstrated. For example, taking advantage of bind variables, trace files, and using the different types of indexes.

Ən yaxın kurs üçün qeydiyyat
Oracle Database: SQL Tuning for Developers Ed 2
Kursun kodu:
3 Gün, 24 Saat
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