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Training Center MUKКурсыOracleDatabaseOracle Database 23ai: Multitenant Architecture

Oracle Database 23ai: Multitenant Architecture

Kursun kodu
4 Gün, 32 Saat
Kursun təsviri
Kursun proqramı
Kursun təsviri

Use the Multitenant feature of Oracle Database 23ai for it to function as a container database (CDB), thereby improving resource utilization, management, and overall security. Learn the benefits, configuration, and management of container and pluggable databases, including backup, security, and data migration using Oracle Database 23ai. With hands-on practices, you will be able to reinforce the learning of the new Oracle Multitenant feature and its capabilities.


Use the Multitenant feature of Oracle Database 23ai for it to function as a container database (CDB), thereby improving resource utilization, management, and overall security. Learn the benefits, configuration, and management of container and pluggable databases, including backup, security, and data migration using Oracle Database 23ai. With hands-on practices, you’ll be able to reinforce the learning of the new Oracle Multitenant feature and its capabilities.

Benefits to you

Learn how to efficiently configure and manage the multitenant environment, along with administrative, application, and data security. This knowledge will enable you to perform database upgrades, improve resource utilization, management, and overall security, as well as upgrade from earlier versions to Oracle Database 23ai.

Kursun proqramı

1    CDB Basics

2    CDB and Regular PDBs

3    Application PDBs and Application Installation

4    PDB Creation

5    CDB and PDB Management

6    Storage

7    Security

8    Backup and Duplicate

9    Recovery and Flashback

10  Performance

11   Resource Allocation

12  Data Movement

13  Upgrade Methods

A   Consolidated Database Replay Procedures

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Oracle Database 23ai: Multitenant Architecture
Kursun kodu:
4 Gün, 32 Saat
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