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Training Center MUKКурсыIBMInfosphereInfoSphere MDM Application Toolkit V11.3

InfoSphere MDM Application Toolkit V11.3

Kursun kodu
2 Gün, 16 Saat
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Kursun proqramı
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The InfoSphere MDM Application Toolkit course introduces students to the Business Process Manager (BPM) and the Process Designer to create processes that will use MDM data and services.

This course has a heavy emphasis on exercises and takes a participant through creating a process to search and update a customer’s address.  The search, get and update services are performed against the InfoSphere MDM.

If you are looking to get an introduction to how BPM and MDM can work together using the MDM Application Toolkit, then this course is for you

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InfoSphere MDM Application Toolkit V11.3
Kursun kodu:
2 Gün, 16 Saat
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