Konsultasiya almaq
Training Center MUKКурсыIBMSpectrumIBM Spectrum Scale Basic Administration for Linux and AIX

IBM Spectrum Scale Basic Administration for Linux and AIX

Kursun kodu
3 Gün, 24 Saat
Kursun təsviri
Kursun proqramı
Kursun təsviri

This course is intended for IT professionals tasked with administering an IBM Spectrum Scale storage cluster in environments running Linux and AIX nodes. The course includes information on installing, configuring, and monitoring an IBM Spectrum Scale cluster. Many Spectrum Scale features are described in lecture materials and then implemented in lab exercises. These features include: Storage management, high availability options, cluster management, and information lifecycle management (ILM) tools.

Note: Although the lab environment is running the Linux operating system, the differences in Spectrum Scale compared with an AIX environment are minor. Therefore, the skills acquired during the course can be applied in both Linux and AIX environments.

Ən yaxın kurs üçün qeydiyyat
IBM Spectrum Scale Basic Administration for Linux and AIX
Kursun kodu:
3 Gün, 24 Saat
Qeydiyyatan keç