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Training Center MUKКурсыKurslar ProqramlaşdırmaIBM App Connect Enterprise V11 Application Development

IBM App Connect Enterprise V11 Application Development

Kursun kodu
5 Gün, 40 Saat
Kursun təsviri
Kursun proqramı
Kursun təsviri

IBM App Connect Enterprise provides connectivity and universal data transformation in heterogeneous IT environments. It enables businesses of any size to eliminate point-to-point connections and batch processing, regardless of operating system, protocol, and data format.
This course teaches you how to use IBM App Connect Enterprise to develop, deploy, and support message flow applications. These applications use various messaging topologies to transport messages between service requesters and service providers, and allow the messages to be routed, transformed, and enriched during processing.
In this course, you learn how to construct applications to transport and transform data. The course explores how to control the flow of data by using various processing nodes, and how to use databases and maps to transform and enrich data during processing. You also learn how to construct data models by using the Data Format Description Language (DFDL).


  • Describe the features and uses of IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • Develop, deploy, and test message flow applications
  • Generate message flow applications from predefined patterns
  • Use the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit problem determination aids to diagnose and solve development and runtime errors
  • Describe the function and appropriate use of IBM App Connect Enterprise processing nodes
  • Write basic Extended Structured Query Language and Java programs to transform data
  • Use the IBM Graphical Data Mapping editor to transform data
  • Define, use, and test simple XML and Data Format Description Language (DFDL) data models
  • Describe supported transport protocols and how to call them in message flows
Before taking this course, you should have:
  • A basic understanding of current IT technologies such as Structured Query Language (SQL), Extensible Markup Language (XML), Java, and XML Path language (XPath)
  • A familiarity with the Eclipse development environment
  • A basic understanding of transport protocols such as HTTP and FTP, and message-oriented middleware such as Java Message Service (JMS) and IBM MQ
Kursun proqramı
  • Introduction to IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • Application development fundamentals
  • Exercise: Importing and testing a message flow
  • Creating message flow applications
  • Exercise: Creating a message flow application
  • Connecting to IBM MQ
  • Exercise: Connecting to IBM MQ
  • Controlling the flow of messages
  • Exercise: Adding flow control to a message flow application
  • Modeling the data
  • Exercise: Creating a DFDL model
  • Processing file data
  • Exercise: Processing file data
  • Using problem determination tools and help resources
  • Exercise: Using problem determination tools
  • Exercise: Implementing explicit error handling
  • Mapping messages with the Graphical Data Mapping editor
  • Referencing a database in a message flow application
  • Exercise: Referencing a database in a map
  • Using Compute nodes to transform messages
  • Exercise: Transforming data by using the Compute and JavaCompute nodes
  • Processing JMS, HTTP, and web service messages
  • Preparing for production
  • Exercise: Creating a runtime-aware message flow
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IBM App Connect Enterprise V11 Application Development
Kursun kodu:
5 Gün, 40 Saat
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