Konsultasiya almaq

Fusion 360: a 3D Modeling training course

Kursun kodu
5 Gün, 40 Saat
Kursun təsviri
Kursun proqramı
Kursun təsviri


This is an Autodesk Fusion 360 3D Modeling and teamwork training course for mechanical engineering industry

Fusion 360 is a cloud-based CAD / ECAD / CAE / CAM software product for 3D product design

The course is based on:

  • basic concepts for 3D data creation and management
  • recommendations for the effective modeling tool usage
  • recommendations for the data work organisation
  • an additional feature software product overview for electronic circuit creation , calculations, rendering and animation, as well as generative design

The course is recommended for small entrepreneurs and for employees of R&D departments who does not own Autodesk Fusion 360 tools and / or has basic skills in other CAD products

Autodesk certificate is issued in electronic format after the course completion



  • to teach the course participants the practical modeling technology application
  • to teach the students the idea implementation from sketch to prototype as soon as possible
  • to teach the students how to organise the design process in Autodesk Fusion 360


  • basic knowledge of descriptive geometry and/or computer graphics
  • Autodesk Fusion 360 software
Kursun proqramı


  1. Autodesk Fusion сore features оverview
  2. Navigation commands and settings and ribbon parsing with the tools
  3. 3D model design and its work features
  4. Constraints: sketch, add and modify
  5. Body and its parts creation and the possibility of editing them
  6. Complex structure creation: the interaction basics between the components
  7. Creation and edition drawings from the parts
  8. CAD files and its project data management
  9. The third-party CAD files and its interoperability
  10. Fusion 360 additional features overview
  11. Summing up and issuing certificates from Autodesk
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Fusion 360: a 3D Modeling training course
Kursun kodu:
5 Gün, 40 Saat
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Konsultasiya almaq
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