Day 1
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Chapter 2: Network Design Fundamentals
- A Need for Design
- Knowledge is King
- A Proposed Design Methodology
- A Reference Network
Chapter 3: Understanding Customer Requirements
- RFP Requirements
- Scoping the Design Project
- Analyzing the Data
- Lab: Understanding Customer Requirements
Chapter 4: Organizing the Data
- Processing the Data and Requests
- Understanding Boundaries and Scope
- Design Proposal Considerations
Chapter 5: Securing the Network
- Why Secure the Network?
- Security Design Considerations
Day 2
Chapter 6: Creating the Design—Campus
- The Campus Network: An Overview
- Best Practices and Considerations
- Architectural Design Options
- Lab: Creating the Design—Campus
Chapter 7: Creating the Design—Wide Area Networks
- The WAN: An Overview
- Best Practices and Considerations
- WAN Design Examples
- Lab: Creating the Design—WAN
Chapter 8: Creating the Design—Data Center
- The Data Center: An Overview
- Best Practices and Considerations
- Data Center Design Examples
- Lab: Creating the Design—Data Center
Chapter 9: Business Continuity and Network Enhancements
- Business Continuity Planning
- High Availability Design Considerations and Best Practices
- Offerings and Solutions
- CoS and Traffic Engineering Considerations
- Environmental Design
Day 3
Chapter 10: Network Management
- Designing for Network Management
Chapter 11: Automation
- Designing for Network Automation
- Lab: Enhancing the Design
Chapter 12: Putting Network Design into Practice
- Network Design Recap
- Responding to the RFP
- Final Lab Introduction
- Lab: Putting Network Design into Practice
Appendix A: Network Migration Strategies
- Migration Overview
- Migration Approaches
- Migration Examples
Appendix B: Sample Campus Designs
Appendix C: Sample Response to RFP
- Example of an Actual Juniper Networks RFP Response