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Training Center MUKКурсыIBMCreate, Secure, and Publish APIs with IBM API Connect v2018

Create, Secure, and Publish APIs with IBM API Connect v2018

Kursun kodu
4 Gün, 32 Saat
Kursun təsviri
Kursun proqramı
Kursun təsviri

This course teaches you how to create, publish, and secure APIs with IBM API Connect V2018. You build Node.js API applications with the LoopBack framework. You define API interfaces according to the OpenAPI specification. You assemble message processing policies and define client authorization schemes, such as OAuth 2.0, in the API definition. You publish APIs and make them available on a secure gateway and on the Developer Portal.

After completing this course, you should be able to:
  • Create APIs in API Connect
  • Implement APIs with the LoopBack Node.js framework
  • Create message processing policies that transform API requests and responses
  • Authorize client API requests with security definitions
  • Enforce an OAuth flow with an OAuth 2.0 API security
  • Publish, and test APIs on the API Connect cloud

Before taking this course, you should successfully complete course VY102G, Developing REST APIs with Node.js for IBM Bluemix (no longer available).

Kursun proqramı
IBM API Connect V2018 overview
Exercise: Review the API Connect development and runtime environment
API Connect development platform
Creating an API definition
Exercise: Create an API definition from an existing API
Defining APIs that call REST and SOAP services
Exercise: Define an API that calls an existing SOAP service
Implementing APIs with the LoopBack framework
Exercise: Create a LoopBack application
LoopBack models, properties, and relationships
Defining data sources with connectors
Exercise: Define LoopBack data sources
Implementing remote methods and event hooks
Exercise: Implement event-driven functions with remote and operation hooks
Assembling message processing policies
Exercise: Assemble message processing policies
Declaring client authorization requirements
Creating an OAuth 2.0 provider
Exercise: Declare an OAuth 2.0 provider and security requirement
Deploying an API to a Docker container
Exercise: Deploy an API implementation to a container runtime environment
Publishing and managing products and APIs
Exercise: Define and publish an API product
Subscribing and testing APIs
Exercise: Subscribe and test APIs
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Create, Secure, and Publish APIs with IBM API Connect v2018
Kursun kodu:
4 Gün, 32 Saat
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