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Kurslar İnformasiya təhlükəsizliyi

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Cybersecurity Professional Preparation
Для руководителей/экспертов в области обеспечения информационной безопасности, готовящихся к сдаче сертификационного экзамена Certified Information Systems Security Professional и ISACA Certified Information Systems Manager.
Sinif, distant
5 Gün, 40 Saat
IBM i2 Analysts Notebook Advanced
This i2 Analyst’s Notebook Advanced course is designed to provide students that have a working knowledge of Analyst’s Notebook, the opportunity to further their skills in search and discovery functions. This course will focus on how to set up Advanced Import Specifications, Advanced Analytic techniques using the i2 Analytic Tools, and use of the display tools that turn the data and analysis results into actionable intelligence.
Sinif, distant
2 Gün, 16 Saat
Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies
Курс Внедрение ключевых технологий безопасности Cisco (SCOR) v1.0 поможет Вам подготовиться не только к получению сертификаций Cisco® CCNP® Security и CCIE® Security, но и к работе в области безопасности на должностях самого высокого уровня.
Sinif, distant
5 Gün, 40 Saat
Administration of IBM DataPower Gateway V7.6
IBM DataPower Gateway Appliances are network devices that help secure, integrate, and optimize access to web, web services, mobile, and API workloads. Through instructor-led lectures and hands-on lab exercises, you learn how to run various administrative procedures, from initial installation and setup through ongoing maintenance of the appliances in production.
Sinif, distant
3 Gün, 20 Saat
Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH) v11
The course provides detailed knowledge on ensuring computer security of modern systems and will be important for security administrators in a reference book on various methods and means of hacking computer networks and systems. The course is also useful for security personnel to improve their work efficiency, taking into account the new tricks of the attackers. In addition, the course is useful for security professionals as a preparation for obtaining international certification.
Sinif, distant
5 Gün, 40 Saat
FortiGate Infrastructure
In this two-day course, you will learn how to use advanced FortiGate networking and security.
Sinif, distant
2 Gün, 16 Saat
Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine
Тренинг «Внедрение и настройка решения Cisco Identity Services Engine» обеспечивает системных инженеров, инженеров по безопасности и сетевых администраторов практическими навыками по установке, развертыванию и управлению решением Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE), с целью поддержки аутентификации, авторизации, работы с аккаунтами и политиками сети для пользователей и устройств. Студенты пройдут через весь процесс установки и настройки сетевых устройств, используя ISE в качестве платформы контроля доступа в сети.
Sinif, distant
5 Gün, 40 Saat
Check Point
Check Point Certified Endpoint Specialist
A 2-day Specialist course which provides a comprehensive understanding of Check Point Endpoint Security and how to deploy it within the corporate network environment.A 2-day Specialist course which provides a comprehensive understanding of Check Point Endpoint Security and how to deploy it within the corporate network environment.
Sinif, distant
2 Gün, 16 Saat
Для всех IT-специалистов, заинтересованных в получении минимального набора знаний и навыков по основам информационной безопасности
Sinif, distant
5 Gün, 40 Saat
IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook Customizing and Semantics
Sinif, distant
2 Gün, 16 Saat
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