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Training Center MUKКурсыIBMAPI Lifecycle Governance with IBM API Connect v2018

API Lifecycle Governance with IBM API Connect v2018

Kursun kodu
2 Gün, 16 Saat
Kursun təsviri
Kursun proqramı
Kursun təsviri
This course teaches you how to configure the gateway, portal, and analytics services in Cloud Manager that are used by the API Connect infrastructure through all phases of the API lifecycle. You manage all aspects of the provider organization in the API Manager user interface to create, publish, version, and retire API artifacts such as Products, plans and APIs themselves. You also learn how to manage consumer organizations who use the APIs that are made available on the Developer Portal. You learn how to add members to the consumer organization that provides access to the APIs on the Developer Portal. You learn how the layout of the Developer Portal can be customized. Finally, you call the APIs on the secure gateway and you view the graphs and metrics of API usage.

Conceptual knowledge of APIs.

Kursun proqramı
  • Configure services in Cloud Manager for an on-premises installation of API Connect V2018
  • Identify the container runtime infrastructure that supports the API Connect services
  • Create a catalog and Developer Portal
  • Create a consumer organization
  • Manage member roles and permissions in the Developer Portal
  • Define APIs, Products, and plans in API Manager
  • Identify the API lifecycle stages
  • Stage, publish, version, migrate, deprecate, and retire Products and APIs
  • Review and approve API lifecycle requests
  • Customize the Developer Portal
  • Create an application and subscribe to a plan
  • Review API analytics in the Developer Portal
  • Review analytics dashboards and visualizations in API Manager
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API Lifecycle Governance with IBM API Connect v2018
Kursun kodu:
2 Gün, 16 Saat
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