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Training Center MUKКурсыOracleDatabaseOracle Database 23ai: Oracle AI Vector Search Fundamentals

Oracle Database 23ai: Oracle AI Vector Search Fundamentals

Код курса
2 Дней, 16 Ак. Часов
Описание курса
Программа курса
Описание курса

Leverage the key capability of Oracle Database 23ai to design and manage Artificial Intelligence (AI) workloads using the new Oracle AI Vector Search feature. Learn how to create tables with vector data type, load data, and the query them based on semantics, rather than keywords. You will learn to perform semantic search on unstructured data by combining it with your relational data in one single system. With hands-on practices, you'll be be able to reinforce the learning of the new AI Vector Search feature and its capabilities.

Программа курса

I     Course Overview

1    Overview of Oracle AI Vector Search

2    Why use Oracle AI Vector Search?

3    Oracle AI Vector Search Workflow

4    Running Basic Queries on Vectors

5    Vector Indexes and Memory

6    DML Operations on Vectors

7    Vector DDL

8    Creating and Finding the Nearest Vectors

9    Finding the Closest Vectors

10  Narrowing Search Results

11  Testing Other Distance Functions

12  Testing Other Vector Functions

13  Course Conclusion

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Oracle Database 23ai: Oracle AI Vector Search Fundamentals
Код курса:
2 Дней, 16 Ак. Часов
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