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Training Center MUKКурсыIBMInfosphereIBM InfoSphere DataStage v11.5 — Advanced Data Processing

IBM InfoSphere DataStage v11.5 - Advanced Data Processing

Код курса
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Описание курса

This course is designed to introduce you to advanced parallel job data processing techniques in DataStage v11.5. In this course you will develop data techniques for processing different types of complex data resources including relational data, unstructured data (Excel spreadsheets), and XML data. In addition, you will learn advanced techniques for processing data, including techniques for masking data and techniques for validating data using data rules. Finally, you will learn techniques for updating data in a star schema data warehouse using the DataStage SCD (Slowly Changing Dimensions) stage. Even if you are not working with all of these specific types of data, you will benefit from this course by learning advanced DataStage job design techniques, techniques that go beyond those utilized in the DataStage Essentials course.

Регистрация на ближайший курс
IBM InfoSphere DataStage v11.5 - Advanced Data Processing
Код курса:
Ак. Часов