This 3-day course focuses the iBase functionality. This includes using the query functions, creating and analyzing sets and scored matching of iBase data, importing data to populate the databases, and exporting database records.
Learn the iBase query functions
Learn about the creation and analysis of Sets and Scored Matching of data in iBase
Learn how to populate the database through import
Learn to export database records out of the database
Learn how to use Search 360
Use Analyst’s Notebook to visualize data
Use Analyst’s Notebook to run analysis
Learn how to track history and edits
Learn how to publish data
Students should have:
basic knowledge of using Windows analysis techniques.
completed i2 Analyst’s Notebook Essentials course if the iBase is being used in conjunction with that product.
Программа курса
Populate a database manually or through importing.
Use the iBase query functions and Search 360.
Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to use IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook andIBM i2 iBase together.
Visualize data from IBM i2 iBase in IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook to produce charts for association and temporal analysis as well as for presentation.