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Training Center MUKКурсыIBMSecurityIBM i2 Analysts Notebook Advanced

IBM i2 Analysts Notebook Advanced

Код курса
2 Дней, 16 Ак. Часов
Описание курса
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Course description

This i2 Analyst’s Notebook Advanced course is designed to provide students that have a working knowledge of Analyst’s Notebook, the opportunity to further their skills in search and discovery functions. This course will focus on how to set up Advanced Import Specifications, Advanced Analytic techniques using the i2 Analytic Tools, and use of the display tools that turn the data and analysis results into actionable intelligence.
Derivative Works Courses are developed by an IBM authorized Global Training Provider. The content of the course is based on IBM products and services. It offers skills or services that IBM does not offer in the course catalog today and are intended to compliment our existing portfolio. The course is developed by the Training Provider. IBM solely provides a market place to advertise the courses on our external websites, ibm.com/training and lists the Global Training Provider who owns the content.

Регистрация на ближайший курс
IBM i2 Analysts Notebook Advanced
Код курса:
2 Дней, 16 Ак. Часов